Monday, 15 March 2010

Individual Flexible Employment Contracts

Individual Flexibility Employment Contract 

(Flexible Employment Agreement)

Since 2010 there have several important changes in Australia’s workplace laws that affect all employers and employees in the national workplace relations system. The changes include the introduction of new National Employment Standards (NES), and the beginning of 'modern awards'.

All employment contracts, whether they are based on an award or not, must now cover National Employment Standards. However you can modify an agreement provided you can show the employee is better off as a result. For an employment contract that has this flexibility and to read more please click here

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Superannuation agreements during separation - family law

Superannuation Agreements and Family Law

Superannuation is becoming increasingly more important as a part of family wealth in Australia and that importance is likely to increase due to the Federal Government's policy of pushing self-supporting retirees through the use of compulsory superannuation.

This article gives information on the treatment of superannuation under the Family Law Act 1975. This information is for any member of a superannuation scheme who is in the process of: divorcing or separating from a marriage; separating from a de facto relationship; or intends to enter into a superannuation agreement with a person.
For More Information Please Read More Here