What is an Agency Agreement?
It is a legal contract between an agent and a principal.

Anyone who wishes to engage another more suitably qualified person to market and sell products on their behalf may find value in using an Agency Agreement Template.
A sales Agency Agreement confers specific rights on the agent to enter into legally binding arrangements with a third party customer on behalf of the principal. The principal will be legally bound by the actions of the agent, provided the agent has acted within the scope of it’s authority.
Would I benefit from an Agency Agreement?
If you do not have the time, connections, resources or experience to market and promote your products or services, you may benefit from appointing a sales agent agent. He or she can bring skills and experience to the table that a principal may lack. The principal can benefit from the direct experience of a suitably qualified agent to perform certain tasks on their behalf. This leaves the principal time to focus on their strengths.
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